By now you are very likely familiar with Cradle Of Filth's classic "Jesus Is A Cunt" shirt. It was printed way back in 1993 and has been the subject of controversies ever since, including in 2024!
According to a post on Cradle Of Filth vocalist Dani Filth's Instagram, some woman in the Australian city of Lake Macquarie spotted the shirt in Costco and wasn't exactly thrilled. The woman apparently tried to get Costco management to get the person to leave (which went over exactly as well as you'd expect) and even said she "could have ripped it off her myself." Because that's what you want to do when you're trying to prove a point – commit assault and look like an insane person.
The good news here is that she's writing to "the Costco General Manager" about it, because we all know how powerful they are! If I remember correctly in the hierarchy of law enforcement for t-shirts, Costco General Manager is somewhere around the level of the FBI. Anyway, here's the entirety of the rant in all its childish glory.
""Hello all, I hope this doesn't upset anyone but i was shopping at Costco Boolaroo yesterday and was confronted by this utterly DISGUSTING tee shirt wearing BOGAN and I politely asked the Management to remove this horrible person from the store because her shirt was so confronting and upsetting a lot of people. Guess what ???? The answer I got was 'Sorry we can't ask her to leave the store' … May I ask why not ??? Isn't that Management's job to not have a war break inside the store. I could have ripped it off her myself I was so shocked and angry. Please Costco, have a few general DECENCY standards. Absolutely appalling!!!! I won't be shopping at Costco again and I'm writing to the Costco General Manager. .."