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It does seem unlikely, though.

Barnes Corpsegrinder

Would a Six Feet Under and Cannibal Corpse tour ever happen? Probably not, but guitarist Jack Owen is into the idea.

Owen – who played in Cannibal Corpse between 1988 and 2004, and in Six Feet Under from 2017 to present day – said in an interview with Scott Penfold of Loaded Radio that he'd be down. Owen also suggested the idea of overlapping sets between the two bands so Cannibal Corpse could do some stuff with their former vocalist (and current Six Feet Under frontman) Chris Barnes.

"I could. I get along with everybody, but the logistics are just like… I don't know. I would. Short answer, yeah, I would do it. I'm the guy who likes to keep the machine going until it breaks. On paper, it would be, like, okay, Six Feet Under set and then an overlapping Cannibal set [featuring both vocalists] and then the Corpsegrinder set."

Cannibal Corpse bassist Alex Webster previously noted in a 2023 interview also with Loaded Radio that a tour with the two bands would be unlikely.

"People have asked [about the two bands touring together], but I think, again, Six Feet just doesn't really tour that much. And we probably wouldn't do it. It's, yeah, like you said, sort of everything's cool, but it's sort of like, you do your thing, we'll do our thing. And it's fine."

Though it should also be stated that in that same interview, Webster mentioned that he doesn't have a problem with Barnes: "He can do his thing; we do ours. f I see him, it's always friendly. But I haven't seen him in a few years. But, yeah, to each their own, and it's all cool at this point.

"We don't really run into each other, though. [Six Feet Under] haven't toured in a while. Normally when you see everybody and you reconnect with people is at festivals, mainly the European ones, I should say, 'cause that's where the majority of the festivals are. And we reconnect with a lot of people there — bands we've toured with, friends, crew members that we know, working with other bands. So that's where I would run into him. And they haven't been doing that stuff in a little while. So maybe we'll see him next year or something, though. Who knows?"

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