Lacuna Coil hasn't put out a new album since Black Anima in 2019 (or the Comalies rework in 2022 if you count that), but that's about to change. According to Lacuna Coil bassist Marco "Maki" Coti Zelati, the band's new album is all ready to go musically and is just awaiting a final mix and master.
"Getting closer to the end of the new album," wrote Zelati. "I'm super happy about the result and super proud about my fellas! Few more days of editing, arrangements and mixing then finally we will be ready for the mastering. Thank you guys."
No word on if the new record will feature guitarist Diego Cavallotti, who left the band in June. Cavallotti said his departure was "not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities," and that he'll continue on with new music in a different project.
"Good morning everyone. I want to share with all of you this post regarding my departure from the band. Yes, I am no longer part of the Lacuna Coil," wrote Cavallotti in his post at the time of his departure.
"Although this decision is not the result of my dissatisfaction or desire to explore new opportunities, I have serenely decided to accept it in consideration of these almost 10 wonderful years spent together, playing around the world, and to allow the band to continue its course without me.
"I wish to Maki, Andrea, Cristina, and Richard the greatest success and the greatest satisfaction. I thank them for the huge wealth of experience gained over all these years, always side by side."
"I thank all of you, friends, fans and artists who have written to me but above all for the immense support that I'm receiving."
"However, this is not the end of anything, one chapter has just been closed and I am ready to write another one. For me Music is, and remains, my only reason for living and I will never stop doing what I love, even if that meant going back to playing in garages or in front of anyone.
"I can't wait to find out what the future has for me, I am ready to evaluate every possible new opportunity and I will continue to carry out my projects with pride and dedication.""
Thank you very much to everyone, see you around."