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Weekly Injection

THE WEEKLY INJECTION: New Releases From GHOST BC, APOCALYPTICA, and More Out Today – 11/19

We're officially hitting the bottom of the barrel with releases folks. This week we have one cool record, a live album, a covers EP, a greatest hits and a Five Finger record… oh boy…

To the metals…

Apocalyptica – Wagner Reloaded: Live In Leipzig81s7lcayEyL._SL1417_

Genre: Cello Metal
Origin: Helsinki, Finland
Label: BMG

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I've got to give it to these guys. They one-upped Devin Townsend  in terms of over-the-top silliness/awesomeness with this releases. Retinal Circus had dancers and a story and whatnot, but Wagner Reloaded has straight-up ballet. All of this insanity is performed by cellos, a drummer, and an orchestra. Fuck guitars… sometimes.



Five Finger Death Punch – The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell: Volume 281d8J1IGxdL._SL1500_

Genre: Alternative Metal
Origin: Los Angeles, California
Label: Prospect Park

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I debated simply reposting what I wrote about Volume 1 a few months ago, but even that felt like too much effort and time wasted on this record. Blah blah blah fighting, blah blah blah war, blah blah blah bro.



Ghost B.C. – If You Have Ghost EP 61-kua4vb2L

Genre: Heavy Metal
Origin: Linköping, Sweden
Label: Loma Vista

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Ghost (BC) have returned a mere seven months after their second album Infestissumam hit the stores with an EP of covers by metal favorites like AbbaArmy of LoversDepeche Mode, and Roky EricksonDave Grohl produced this EP, so that's neat. Honestly, if I didn't read that these were covers I wouldn't have thought that these are covers. They come off as stock Ghost (BC) songs.



A Perfect Circle – Three Sixty 81rKlCKdRJL._SL1500_

Genre: Alternative
Origin: Los Angeles, California
Label: Universal

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A greatest hits record doesn't feel like a Maynard move, does it? APC are a completely fine band, but they only have two albums of original material and a covers record. There's a new song, which you can hear below, but I don't think it's worth it if you're a fan since you probably already have 99% of their music already.



Sun and Sail Club – Mannequinmannequincover

Genre: Experimental Stoner
Origin: Orange County, California
Label: Satin

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Sun and Sail Club are an awesome band that answer a question never posed: what would happen if Scott Reeder (ex-Kyuss) got together with some dudes from Fu Manchu and found a vocoder along the way? The result is really great actually. It's a unique juxtaposition between the desert rock sound and 70's funk like Zapp & Roger. I can't say I ever thought I'd drop Zapp & Roger in a Weekly Injection before,


Also dropping today…

'77 – Maximum Rock 'n Roll (Listenable)
Agony Face – CLX Stormy Quibblings (My Kingdom)
Bones – Sons Of Sleaze (Planet Metal)
Carne – Ville Morgue (Solar Flare)
Chastain – Surrender To No One (Leviathan)
Coven 13 – Destiny Of The Gods (Shadow Kingdom)
Day Of Execution – Pointless Cause (Mulligore)
Exhale – When Worlds Collide (Pulverised)
Face All Fears – The Breaking Point (Autumn + Color)
Funeral Circle – Funeral Circle (Shadow Kingdom)
Goresoerd – Asülum (Inverse)
Hanging Garden – I Was A Soldier EP (Lifeforce)
Harsh Toke – Light Up And Live (Tee Pee)
Insomnium – Ephemeral (Century Media)
Iron Mask – Fifth Son Of Winterdoom (AFM)
Kick – Memoirs (Escape)
Lord Fist – Wordless Wisdom of Lord Fist EP (Ektro)
Possession (Belgium) – His Best Deceit (Iron Bonehead)
Psalm Zero – Force My Hand (Last Things)
Sandrider – Godhead (Good To Die)
Saxon – Unplugged and Strung Up (UDR)
Signum Regis – Exodus (Ulterium)
So Many Ways – Seer EP (Staple)
Sons Of Huns – Banishment Ritual (Easy Rider)
Tad Morose – Revenant (Deepsotz)
Tothem – Beyond The Sea (Maple Metal)
Tombstoned – Tombstoned (Svart)
Varga – Enter The Metal (Vargantuan)
Wombbath – Internal Caustic Torments (Pulverised)

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