After reuniting in March 2024, legendary New York post-hardcore band Orange 9mm is in the studio recording their first new material since Pretend I'm Human in 1999. Orange 9mm originally formed in 1994 and released three records – Driver Not Included in 1995, Tragic in 1996, and then Pretend I'm Human in 1999.
Orange 9mm in 2024 is original vocalist Chaka Malik, guitarist Taylor McLam who joined the band in 1996, and then new members bassist Cory Bonfiglio and drummer Chris Enríquez. "The beat goes on. Day one of recording new Orange 9mm material in the books! Sounding like it should," wrote Orange 9mm on their Instagram. "Thanks to Andrew Schneider and Spaceman Sound. Excited for everyone to hear this! Put on your dancing shoes…"