Plagiarizing Iron Maiden is a great idea. They're such a small band that you can almost definitely get away with it, and nobody would notice!
Seriously though, rapper OsamaSon is allegedly getting sued by Iron Maiden for taking Powerslave-era Eddie and using it for his own FLXTRA album. And really, there's no argument to the contrary – dude straight up slapped a filter, a different mouth, and some extra hair on Eddie and claimed it was his. I don't know what the expected outcome here was.
And look; I'm not coming down on this guy for using metal imagery in a non-metal context. That's the lamest approach to take and it's stupid. I am saying that maybe you shouldn't jack other people's work, in a general sense. Especially this blatantly.
See the comparison above, courtesy of Kurrco. At least this is a better ripoff than that time Teddy.YG jacked Cattle Decapitation's artwork. As for OsamaSon, it seems like the dude is a metal fan. Or at least he's got good taste in shirts, as he sports a Facelift Deformation longsleeve in his "X & Sex" music video, pointed out by Loudwire.