Surrounded By Monsters vocalist Mike Batson has sadly died. The news of Batson's death comes via a GoFundMe launched to help Mike's wife Traci with funeral bills, medical bills, home bills in the wake of Mike's death. This is an especially terrible blow as Traci had been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in 2015. Donate to the GoFundMe here.
For those unaware, Surrounded By Monsters has a deathcore band formed in 2007. They put out one record named Novella in 2012. The following is a description of what happened written by GoFundMe organizer Kayla Bennett.
"On November 19th, the world lost a diamond in the rough, a gentle human being that brought light and love to everyone he met. To lose someone as kind and loving as Mike has been incredibly hard on us all. Most of all it has been hard on Traci. He was the love of her life. Her best friend. Traci's world has fallen apart. No one prepares you for losing your spouse so early in life.
"Her heart and home have been ripped away in an instant, yet, cruelly, life continues to demand from her. Funeral bills, medical bills, home bills keep coming despite her having lost everything. It has made it impossible to grieve Mike. It isn't fair, especially for someone as beautiful and kind as Traci. Please, friends, let's come together and give back the kindness Traci has showed all of us. Any contribution you can give will make it so much more possible for Traci to take this on. Let's be her rock. She needs us."