Atomic Rule – the band featuring Andy Williams (ex-Every Time I Die), Travis Bennington (Eternal Sleep) and Chris Maggio (Trap Them, Wear Your Wounds, etc.) – is looking for a vocalist. The band recently made their instrumental debut at Better Lovers' BLissmas show, but is clearly looking to move forward with an actual vocalist.
"We are Atomic Rule. The 3 of us are making music we want to play. We're currently finding a 4th on vocals at this moment. Once that's figured out, we're taking over. Blissmas '24 was an incredible opportunity for us to give you all a taste of what we're doing. Heavy ass power grooves. We'd like to thank @brainbuster_ @jgraffy_12 @billkarachristos @hana_devore @drew_askullonce @metaljeff for all the help, time and drive they have seen helped and brought effortless power to the 3 of us during this process!
"Thank you Better Lovers for this opportunity to play in front of a crowd! Last but not least thank you Full Bleed Mfg for printing up amazing merch in no time! Incredible job! Grab a teesh on our big cartel that will have a link in our bio! Party on until next time. AR"